1. Masters en Madrid
  2. Dirección de Recursos Humanos
  3. Dirección de Recursos Humanos en Madrid
  4. Master Human Resource Talent Development

Master In Human Resource & Talent Development

Master In Human Resource & Talent Development EAE Business School Madrid


This program will be conducted in English.

Companies and organizations are more aware than ever that one of their key assets when it comes to standing out from the competition is their team of people and, as such, the management and supervision of its Human Resources department

A companys people are the driving force behind the design, implementation and management of the business project As such, it is crucial that companies are increasingly oriented towards their employees Therefore, Human Resources Managers must be professionals who are equipped to lead a department that connects and works with all of the company¿s business activities and, at the same time, be able to adapt to changes in the environment. The department is at the core of the company¿s strategy and the driving force behind generating a clear competitive advantage. The role of Human Resources must be at the very heart of the company¿s strategy and its management, as it is a key factor in setting the company apart from its rivals.

The Master in Human Resources Management is designed to equip Human Resources professionals to respond to the needs and challenges of the market from the perspective of people management. Professionals who embrace change as the most effective way of generating competitive advantages, who can capitalize on new technologies, who have a solid grasp of the new generations of professionals joining the employment market, who fully understand the importance of the work/life balance and ethical conduct, and who are committed to developing, attracting and retaining talent as the best way to ensure success in the new business ecosystem.

Reasons for the Master in Human Resources Management ¿ EAE:

1. EAE Business School, awarded at the 2023 HR Excellence Awards thanks to Master in Human Resources, in the category of ¿Human Resources Assistant Industry in Spain¿

2. It is the third best program of HR imparted in Spain according to the new edition of the 2023 World Ranking.

3. AEDRH and AEDIPE ¿ EAE is a founding member of AEDRH (Spanish Association of Human Resources Directors) and a member of AEDIPE (Catalan Association of Human Resources Management). Thanks to these agreements, the participants on the programme can take advantage of the activities and benefits offered by the two associations throughout the course.

4. It incorporates a program of skills development, seminars on practical application of Personnel Management and the creation of a Human Resource Plan: This is the most complete and practical program, updated annually.

5. Live Experience EAE. EAE Business School¿s objectives is to ensure that student learning is as enriching as possible and occurs both inside and outside the classroom. In 2023 we organized over 150 events update, networking and recruitment for our students.

🏅Acreditaciones que tiene el Master

🎓 Titulaciones

Students who succesfully pass the course will obtain the Master in Human Resource & Talent Development degree from EAE Business School. Besides, students who fulfill the academic requirements established will obtain the Máster Universitario en Recursos Humanos y Relaciones Laborales degree from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (if studying in Madrid).

In order to obtain the degree from partner universities, it is necessary to fufil the requirements established by the institutions.

Bolsa de Empleo y Salidas profesionales

✍ Metodología

Flexible Start Date

Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas.

🏁 Objetivos

The Master in Human Resources Management is designed to meet the following objectives:

1.PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: Developing the executive skills and competences required for Personnel Directors to lead and drive forward the changes needed within an organization.

2.GLOBAL MANAGEMENT: Learning, understanding and developing the importance of Human Resources Management within the companys overall strategy.

3.ORGANIZATION, EXECUTION AND SUPERVISION: Gaining deeper insight into the tools and procedures required to perform the tasks involved in planning, organizing, executing and monitoring of Human Resources in a company.

4.HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE DIGITAL AGE: Capitalizing on the opportunities offered by technology for talent development, retention and acquisition, through the use of tools and resources related to digital communication.

5.STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY: Developing the role of Human Resources both from the viewpoint of a personnel department and the perspective of Human Resources Consulting.

6.PLANNING: Establishing the strategic foundations that enable future changes in the field of Human Resources to be planned and anticipated, in line with the company¿s objectives.

gestion del capital humano, planificación estratégica, human resources, management, negociacion laboral
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Temario Master In Human Resource & Talent Development 2024

Human Resources Strategy

The strategic management of Human Resources underpins the fundamental condition that all business strategies must have as a key element: the human factor. Human Resources Management is a crucial strategic partner in the implementation of the strategy, success in achieving its objectives and the contribution of value to the business. The courses included in this module focus on developing the principles, policies and values that must underpin the companys strategy from the perspective of People Management. Contents include:

- Foundations of Human Resources management.

- Human Resources Strategies.

- Ethics and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

Decision-Making in Human Resources

In the world of Big Data and the Internet of Things, Human Resources Management involves decisions in relation to the organizational strategic objectives based on criteria of efficacy, efficiency and maximum certainty. We will gain insight into the main advanced decision-making tools with the aim of minimizing the risk in terms of the potential consequences of these decisions, as well as gaining a holistic vision of the implications that the decisions involve for the organization¿s objectives. We will cover:

- Decision-making in Human Resources: financial decisions.

- Decision-making in Human Resources: data-based decisions.

Functional Areas of Human Resources

When the development of the organization coincides with the development of the people within it, this is when the necessary strategic alignment has been achieved between Human Resources and the Organization (and vice versa). Therefore, Human Resources policies and action plans are a key competence involved to responding to both of these needs for growth. We develop the skills required to implement the functions involved in Human Resources Management within a context of talent development and a constantly changing environment. We will study:

- Management of employee movements.

- Human Capital Development.

- Management of salary remuneration models.

- Employee branding.

Contextual Areas of Human Resources

Operating in a globalized market, organizations are required to deal with legal, economic and sociodemographic factors, among others. We will learn about the influence that these factors have on the organization, and how to include them when rolling out the organizational strategy in order to achieve a competitive advantage. We will gain insight into:

- Economics and demographics of the employment market.

- Employment regulations.

- Global management of work capital.

Organizational Effectiveness

Human Capital Management acquire full significance when striving to achieve people¿s effectiveness by organizing them and their organizational behaviour, which must by focused towards achieving results that contribute to the organization¿s mission. We develop the crucial skills required by a Human Resources executive, to thereby achieve the maximum commitment of the personnel towards achieving the business goals. We will analyse:

- Leadership and Team Building.

- Coaching Techniques.

- Change management.

- Welfare, security and protection.

- Management of the inclusion of cultural diversity


Human Resources professionals must develop a set of key competences to meet the challenges involved in the role of Personnel Director. The Skills Development Programme spans across the entire Master¿s course and strives to address and improve the competences that are considered critical in the profile of an HR professional.


Produced in the last period of the programme under the guidance of a tutor and presented before a board, the Thesis can be developed through two approaches:

- Design and implementation of a Human Resources Plan applied to a real company.

- Development of an Innovation Project in the field of Human Resources, focusing on investigating and gaining deeper insight of a specific area of personnel management.

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